Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Non delivery

Still no foal!!!!!
That Palomino is walking around grazing as if she had no other worries in this world!
On Sunday I had a nice surprise visit by one of my Professors from Uni, she had come all the way from New Zealand to attend a conference in Copenhagen. Plans were that I was to meet up with her in the city of mermaids but when she got clear to herself just how easy and cheap it is to go over to Sweden, and above all, CLOSE it is she came over on the next train and we went for a long drive around all the tourist spots!! I was soo happy to see her!! It was almost surreal to see her standing there at the trainstation. After a coffee in Medieval ystad we went for the stonesetting, less known than stonehenge but more accessible and a lot older it does attract visitors from all over the world and every time I come there I am equally fascinated. It is a giant sundial made up of huge stones set on top of a huge cliff off the south coast. Awesome..
Today is my last day at work...sad...but I have gotten so used to temping and living hand to mouth that I cant bother to worry any more. It is just life.
It is raining...