Friday, May 28, 2004


At 08.30 this morning my sister gave birth to a baby boy named Axel. He was expected to greet the world at September 11 so at May 28 he came to us very early. Axel was in a great hurry and although his auntie told her sister to cross her legs goddammit he wanted out and that asap.
Axel wheighs 720 grammes ( 1.558 lbs)and are currently breathing on his own. He screamed when he came out and was "big" for a child born at week 24 so all we know at the moment is that he had a "good" start. My sister was already at the neo natal care unit at the hospital in Lund (probably one of Europes best if not the worlds) since tuesday night so everyone is in good hands. It will be one day at a time for us all this summer but I pray we have Axel home by September.