Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The names of horses

My mare has seriously not lifted her head once since yesterday. She ignores Bruno who faithfully walks beside her to seek contact. Poor Bruno got very upset last night when he was ledt outside while his three friends headed back inside for the night. A lot of whinnying back and forward was heard through the night. The mare has no name......well...her real name is Ulinia however in my native tongue it does not suit to call a horse by that name. In two months time no one has been able to come up with a decent name for her and she is called by various expressions such as "the fat lady" ( Mimmi&Co) or "the old girl" ( Michael) or me who just calls her The Mare as if she was horse unknown. One would think that after two months I could come up with a name...she is a beautiful dark bay, almost black in color with a beautiful head and huge friendly eyes and the sweetest disposition so I think she deserves more.
Anyone know of a good horse name?


Anonymous said...

Trigger. My Friend Flicka. Black Beauty. Seabiscuit. My Pretty Pony. All good horse names.

Systeryster said...

Thanks for your suggestions! Actually...Flicka is a good name on a horse....it means Girl in Swedish :)

Jack said...

Mr. Ed is a classic. And Mr. Ed was a mare, by the way. Not everybody knows that.