Thursday, May 13, 2004

Coca Cola backwards..

Alocacoc, thats his name, Mimmis determined little thorougbred, who reached a third tonight in his first race for the season YAY!!! As Mimmi once said - no one would ever guess that such a goldnugget is walking around in a field out in Heinge....kind of true really. I reside beyond the main road as they say, quite happily I might add.
Sometimes I miss Canton Cafe in Kingsland or waking up to the sound of cikadas and looking out the window to see the blue hills north of Auckland. Actually I miss AKL full stop. Everything. Howver moments like watching Mimmis face when unloading her horse from the trailer and telling me her baby did it again and that she is 6000 richer feels pretty darn good too.